2021 World Grand Prix
We had all hoped that 2021 would see a return to normal international travel and competition.
In some countries this has been the case, but others have still experienced restrictions thoughout much of the year.
In the IHAA, it is really important to us that a "worldwide" event is truly open to everyone, so we felt that there was
value in running the World Grand Prix again.
The IHAA 2021 wGP competition had a similar format to the 2020 event; it ran from April to the end of October with national
teams contributing 9 scores from between 5 and 9 different competitors.
Junior, Young rider and YR-junior composite teams were welcomed as well as open teams (composed of riders of any age) and
iHBA (inclusive hba) teams.
We recognised individual successes through the year and were pleased to welcome individual entries from countries who
weren't able to enter a full team.
This year 24 teams from 15 countries took part, including 3 iHBA teams.
Congratulations to everyone who took part and particularly to our winning teams:
Open category:
- 1st: Sweden
- 2nd: Poland
- 3rd: Russia
Youth category:
- 1st: Hungary Young Riders & Juniors
- 2nd: France Young Riders
- 3rd: South Africa Young Riders & Juniors
Junior category:
- 1st: France Juniors
- 2nd: USA Juniors
iHBA category:
- 1st: IHAA mixed international team
- 2nd: Denmark
- 3rd: Great Britain
Overall top placed team - Sweden (open team)
Archers: Isabel Ahrnborg, Mimmi Fagrell, Marcus Hjortsberg, Christine Karlsson, Daniel Håkans Strömberg,
Jan Strömberg, Richard Svensson, Ann-Sofie Wredendal
Horses: Alicante, Bad Like My Dad, Beau, Ferrari, Glöd, Kurt, Love, Tristan
Here is the wGP 2021 video which conveys all the excitement of the competition and its global reach.

2021 World Grand Prix: Official results
Select the tab below to see each categor's results
IHAA World Grand Prix 2021 - Results (all teams)
IHAA World Grand Prix 2021 - Results (Open teams)
IHAA World Grand Prix 2021 - Results (Young Rider teams)
IHAA World Grand Prix 2021 - Results (Junior teams)
IHAA World Grand Prix 2021 - Results (iHBA teams)
2020 World Grand Prix
The 2020 World Grand Prix was the IHAA's response to the challenge of continuing international competition during the Coronavirus pandemic.
It ran as a worldwide virtual competition between July and October 2020.
By the end of the event, 245 competitors had galloped along more than 4000km of competition track during 78 local competitions.
31 teams from 21 countries took part. Of these, 6 were junior teams (aged 17 or younger), and 4 were youth teams (aged 21
or younger).
An iHBA (para) team, with riders from 4 different nations, participated too, in the Open category.
Teams which participated in the 2020wGP:
Australia & New Zealand, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Italy, Malaysia, Mongolia,
the Netherlands, Poland, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and USA.
The wGP is a team competition.
Each team had to consist of between 5 and 9 competitors which were selected by their national governing body and the team
was required to return 9 sets of scores (therefore teams of fewer than 9 riders would have some individuals compete twice).
Each rider will compete in 3 events: the Tower-90, Raid 2-3-3 and an exciting new track, the Skirmish-90.
Scores from each person contribute to the team total.
Through the competition a social media event page containing rider biographies, photos, videos and livestreaming allowed
the whole international horseback archery community to get behind the competitors and to be engaged with the event.
Search on Facebook for #2020wGP.
Congratulations to the winning teams:
Open category:
- 1st: Poland
- 2nd: Turkey
- 3rd: Mongolia
Youth category:
- 1st: Hungary Young Riders
- 2nd: USA Young Riders & Juniors
- 3rd: Netherlands Young Riders & Juniors
Junior category:
- 1st: Sweden Juniors
- 2nd: France Juniors
- 2nd: Turkey Juniors
Overall top placed team - Hungary Young Riders
Archers: Krisztián Benyó, Dorottya Fehér, Ágnes Maucha, Levente Maucha, Botond Molnár, Levente Zatykó
Horses: Batukén, Centúrió, Herceg, Izmos, Szellő
Here is the wGP 2020 video which conveys all the excitement of the competition and its global reach.

2020 World Grand Prix: Official results
Select the tab below to see each categor's results