Hunt Track Design Training
Track design is a complex challenge and important for the creation of a Hunt track which
competitors will enjoy, and that will be safe for both horses and riders. Every location
is different with natural features the course designer can use - topography, vegetation,
water features and whether the footing is grass or sand.
The specifics of the competition are hugely variable too - what type of horses will there
be (both regarding speed and experience) what is the standard of competitors? It is key
to design a track that is fit for purpose (a challenge but not too hard) and which also
satisfies the rules.
IHAA Registered Hunt Track Course Designers
The IHAA’s pathway for Hunt Track course designer (HTCD) training and assessment is a combination of online learning modules and face-to-face training, with the requirement to produce a portfolio to demonstrate your competence in the design of Hunt Tracks before accreditation is issued.
It is expected that applicants to become an IHAA registered hunt track course designer will have experience of:
- Horses and riding on cross-country courses or trails, including varied ground conditions
- Horseback archery
- Risk assessment
The training course will build expertise in these areas but some prior knowledge is expected.
There are three levels of HT course designer, as described here.
The table below summarises how the different levels of HTCD fit in with the IHAA’s competition structure:
- Provisional HTCD
- Has completed the theory part of the HTCD training & assessment
- Registered HTCD
- Portfolio of practical experience has been assessed and passed
- May be registered for designing courses with (J+) or without (J-) jumps
- Master HTCD
- Recognised by the IHAA for their expertise in track design and outstanding contributions to Hunt Track competitions

IHAA Hunt Track Course Design Panel
The IHAA HT course design panel has oversight over the whole IHAA Hunt Track course designer
training and accreditation system.
It is the highest level of authority in this field.
The three members of the Hunt Track course design panel are:
- Wojtek Osiecki (Poland)
- Alan le Gall (France)
- Hilary Merrill (USA)
List of IHAA Accredited Hunt Track Course Designers
Name | Country (Association) | IHAA HTCD Level |
Kevin GUSSE | France | Master HT Course Designer |
Umar Shaidin | Malaysia (Liga Memanah Berkuda Malaysia (LMBM)) | Registered HT Course Designer (J-) |
Specifics of the HT Course Designer Training Pathway
Conditions for acceptance onto the IHAA Hunt track course designer pathway:
- Nomination by IHAA Member Association / Special application direct to IHAA
- Fee payment
Qualification as an IHAA Provisional HT course designer requires:
- Judging principles and General & Competition rules (module from L1 judges course)
- Hunt track rules (module from L2 judges course)
- Hunt track course design module
Conditions for retention as a IHAA HT course designer (provisional):
- Completion of an Update & Refresher course (every 2y or sooner if there is a relevant rulebook update)
Qualification as an IHAA Registerd HT course designer requires:
- Submission of a portfolio detailing:
- 4 Hunt tracks that the applicant has been involved in the design and organisation of,
for group training or competition (level of competition not specified.)
[If the applicant has attended an in-person HT course design clinic then 1 or 2 of the Hunt tracks in the portfolio may be from this clinic. A brief summary of the tracks and the tutor’s name & clinic date may be given as a reference - a detailed write-up is not required for these HTs] - Involvement in the set-up and running of two Hunt tracks for 2* (or higher) competitions (signed off by an IHAA Registered HT course designer and a L2(full) / L3 / L4 judge)
For each track registered in the portfolio the applicant should discuss the thoughts and decisions behind the track design, eg:
- The local terrain and space
- Experience of competitors and horses, involvement of left handed competitors
- Purpose of the competition or training
Also to be included for each track:
- Diagrams or photos
- A risk assessment
- Feedback after use of the track & any lessons learned / implications for future track design
There may be an oral examination (live or on zoom) depending on the strength of the application.
Applicants may apply to be registered for designing HT course without (J-) or with (J+) jumps.
Those wishing to qualify as an IHAA Registered HTCD (J+) should have a thorough knowledge of the
technical aspects of jumping and the insight and experience of how a jump can be integrated into a
course so that it is inviting and safe for horse and rider alike.
Provisional HTCD → Registered HTCD(J+):
- Applicants must demonstrate practical experience with integrating jumps into the course in their portfolio:
- at least 2 of the 4 courses they designed must contain a jump
- 1 of the 2 advanced HT tracks they assisted with, must contain a jump
- The text should discuss the decision-making involved in where/how the jump was integrated into the track
Registered HTCD (J-) → Registered HTCD(J+):
- Requires submission of a half-portfolio demonstrating the relevant practical experience:
- 2 Hunt tracks containing jumps, which the applicant has been involved in the design and organisation of, for group training or competition
- Assist in the set-up and running of a 2* Hunt track competition which includes 1 or more jumps (signed off by an IHAA Registered HTCD (J+) and a L2(full) / L3 / L4 judge)
The status of IHAA Master HT course designer can be conferred by the IHAA
- Applicants will be existing IHAA Registered HTCD (J+ or J-)
- They must be nominated by their peers (3 HT course designers or senior judges)
- References and evidence of their expertise in track design and/or demonstrating outstanding contributions to Hunt Track competitions is required
- Applicants may be invited for interview by the HTCD panel (in person or remote)
Conditions for retention as a IHAA HT course designer:
- Completion of an Update & Refresher course (every 2y or sooner if there is a rulebook update)
- Involved in the design and/or set-up of 2 Hunt tracks during a 3 year period (an ongoing logbook should be kept but it doesn't need to be detailed like the portfolio involved in the application process)
Supplementary notes:
For applicants in 2022 grandfather rights (applied rights) will be granted. Applicants should submit a CV of
their HT course design experience which will be reviewed by the IHAA HTCD Panel.
The Panel may ask for an online interview or reference to assist in their decision. Applicants will be granted the level which the panel believes is suitable based on the evidence of their previous course design activity. - The IHAA member association may make a special application for the age limit to be waived in exceptional circumstances. The IHAA HTCD Panel will consider each application according to its individual merits and the evidence offered.
Joining instructions:
- Coming soon...
Disciplinary Procedures for IHAA HT Course Designers
Sanctions will be issued by the IHAA Judging Panel in consultation with the Appeals Committee where appropriate.
Conditions for demotion
- Inactivity
Failure to complete the conditions for retention.
If there is a genuine reason for inactivity then the applicant can apply for an extension. - Complaints
2 complaints in one year or 3 complaints in a three year period.
Complaints must relate to separate instances (not multiple people registering a single concern). They should be considered by the appeals committee and will only stand against a judge’s record if found to be valid complaints.
Consequence of demotion
- The individual will be moved down one grade (ie. Registered → Provisional, or Master → Registered)
All necessary training and conditions must be fulfilled to move back up the pathway.
In the event of complaints, 2 years must elapse before an individual can reapply
Conditions for suspension
- If a HT Course Designer is found by the appeals committee to be:
- Complicit in match fixing, or substance abuse by a human or equine athlete
- Otherwise brings the sport of horseback archery or the IHAA into disrepute
Consequence of suspension
- The HT Course Designer is removed from the IHAA HTCD list
2 years must elapse before an individual may reapply to become a HT Course Designer.
They must start again at the start of the pathway, with training and conditions fulfilled afresh